Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Live Positive Way

Hobbies are so important for any individual since it can help in grooming up a person.  In childhood we even go to an extent to excel in them with regular practices but gradually fail to pursue it once we go to job or get married.  While the men will get busy earning for his family and the ladies.....busy Home Makers!

Actually all our hobbies and likings will be connected to our happiness and subconscious mind's desires.  By leaving them behind we distance ourselves from the real us.  Our hobbies can keep us intact and by maintaining it we can spend some quality time for ourselves.  In this very busy world we are chasing the material accomplishments and we forget to even rejoice something which we have for us.  Hence its better if we keep something for us, which we like much. We can be stress free if we do it and trust me there won't be any need to go to Doctor complaining depression, anxiety or stress to get diagnosed with some disorder.

Have seen people who leave their hobbies particularly after marriage and they get too involved with their partner and go very far away from themselves.  Its good to be with the person we like the most but not at the cost of loosing us.  The times keep changing, we may be priority to someone in some time and that too will surely change.  But our hobbies are inbound and we don't need anyone else to pursue it.  If you like to listen to music, get a mp3 player and ensure at least you listen an hour in a day.  If you love dancing and feel conscious in front of others, do it in a closed room when you are alone.  I personally feel the people who has the habit of reading are the lucky ones.  Books indeed are one's best friend and it gives pleasure as well as develops our personality.

Its a request to all my fellow readers not to loose their hobbies in anytime in life since personal gratification is more essential and we will realise that in our old age days once the people whom we cared move on with their goals and we be left behind.  There were times when I stopped listening to songs and singing and those were the worst times of my life. Once I realized it gives me happiness and indirectly strengthens me I started listening songs and singing again.  We do connect everything which we like with a moment, person, time......so when we keep doing it our mind will stay full with those treasured memories.  Hence keep doing it and keep reinventing yourself, it will surely push you up in a positive direction.

Stay fresh.....always! Keep motivating self & everyone around!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Live Positive Way

Its a pleasure celebrating festivals that too if it brings people close to each other. Navratri (9 days) is my most favorite festival for its unique blend.  It is a combination of both colours and lights.  We in Tamilnadu, India celebrate Navratri by keeping Golu - idols made out of clay/mud and invite friends to showcase the same and give them Thamboolam (Gift) for visiting our place.

It started from the day we friends went out for shopping for the festival. Then decorating house, fixing the toys in appropriate hierarchy, showing some innovative work in the process.  At last done with it!

For Golu everyday we have to make 'Sundal' (boiled pulses) offered to God and the same we distribute as Prashad to our friends and kids visiting our place.  

When I asked my Dad for why we celebrate it by keeping clay toys, he said that in those days during this monsoon season normally Potter doesn't get much business and hence to provide him with some work for his earnings such festivals might have started.  Not just Potter, the Florist, Fruit Vendors and other people too get their earnings this way.

I just want to add more to my Dad's view, its an opportunity to gain new friends, to strengthen the bonding with the existing friends, so much fun since it involve kids, pleasure offering gifts to the people visiting us and above all staying active and pleasant all through the 9 days!

Staying in an apartment set up its always interesting to celebrate festivals.  Though it involves much work the way the visitors get excited seeing the Golu will surely bring in much needed satisfaction.  There are so much in our tradition which if we follow can enlighen us from with in.  Its always good to be rooted in our culture and customs. The past 10 days were fabulous and now feeling fantastic, energetic and vibrant.  Feeling a high positive energy at home and started counting days for the next Golu, now a year ahead!

Stay Happy & Stay Positive!