Thursday, January 26, 2017

Live Positive Way

Sometime back I saw a message in the Facebook which read "965 Facebook Friends, 389 WhatsApp Contacts, Still outside the ICU he had only his wife, children and his parents for whom he never had time to spend".

What I have to say?....... May be the person in ICU is so unfortunate.  He is not blessed with some true friends or he has never tried to show up in his friends gain and pain....

We keep hearing from our childhood days that only relatives will be there in our tough times to support us and so we have to oblidge to their so many conditions.  Parents keep insisting to their children--especially the less privileged parents -- " you must be nice to these people, trust me, without them we will not be able to survive and succeed".  Neither these relatives are standing outside the ICU.

Its all about the way we perceive things. It doesn't matter if its your siblings, relatives or friends.....but what matters is the one whom we can trust and the one who shares his shoulder to cry on.

In this fast paced world even the parents and children interacts through Facebook. They are listed in the friends list too. Doesn't it mean they are now among these "965"?

Most of the times when we are away from our hometown and family we are given support and guidance by our friends. We can trust them more since they will always wish our wellbeing.

From my personal experience I have always been helped more by my friends.  They are the ones seen in my Facebook, WhatsApp as well....or any other social network for that matter.

Years back when the Facebook and Orkut just started my Uncle went through a bypass heart surgery. I just posted a message in Orkut and sent some SMS to few of my friends and in turn they shared it with their friends. On the day of my uncle's surgery there were more than 15 people who came to donate blood to him. Trust me I don't know who they are but they were my "friends of friends".

People like me will totally disagree if someone say friends will never turn up in our tough times. As a person who had stayed in many places I always have had many friends who supported me in facing my challenges. The bond is getting more stronger with the old friends and the chain is growing bigger with the new ones.  Thank God I won't be the person as quoted in the start. I am blessed with many good hearts like You - My dear friend!!

- Suganthi Sankaran