Saturday, October 14, 2017

Live Positive Way

Life at times throws most difficult challenges upon us. We may wonder how to tackle them or how to escape from them? 
There may be no choices even. Only option may be to take chances and face them either boldly or with fear.

The result of our decision may turn out to be as anticipated, a positive result or it may be otherwise.

When you try to follow your dreams, sailing in the serene tide, sudden storm can change your whole sail still you have no choices but to sail anyway.

I often feel that people chase love and affection... Hey you are not alone, many will be in your league, but unconditional love has become so conditional today in this world. 

For ladies out there, I 'know' for sure that you wish to be recognized for all the work you do for your loved ones? Right? You will be ready to even break a rock to prove people---especially your in-laws---that you are worth for appreciation.. How rude? how can you expect it? Aren't you an outsider for them? 

You may fall sick, you may be alone, you may be upset or even depressed, but you have to be alive and kicking.... that's the expectation.

To add to the failures, pressures, stress at home and at your workplace, we face so many questions posed by the society.....
Why you didn't score well in your studies?
How can you cope up without a professional degree? 
Are you still searching for a job? 
You getting aged...why don't you get married? 
You are married for more than a year now but why no child yet? 
Just got one baby, when are you planning for the next one? 
You look so modern for your age? 
How can you sing loud at this age, that too new Bollywood numbers? 
You look thin still going for your fitness class? 
You are obese do something?....

Oh God! How many negative phrases! Oops I got tired typing them all. Believe me not to demotivate you my dear peeps! When you face something like this and feel pushed to the corner...still don't lose hope in this fabulous journey called LIFE. 

Remember, everything will come & pass but Only Love Is Real (courtesy Dr. Brain Weiss)! That's the true vehicle which will takes us safely in this pleasant ride. You may find my statement contradicting to my previous one when I said unconditional love has become conditional now........but some are blessed with unconditional love too. You think you aren't getting it? Come on, why do we need such unconditional love to be received when we can give it to someone? 

Love yourself! That way you feel full of life. It will radiate million lights & fill your dear ones hearts and life. Love your family, friends, work and whatever good things you do. Live your life to the fullest. Don't worry about those questions. Dance like a mad man, sing like a fool, look young, stay fit, it's your life take control of it. Be a savior of love, spread love! You may face many hindrances. Never mind.. keep going. Only love is real and it's the path to your eternity.

“There is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it is sent away”. 
Love your life this way!

I got motivated reading these lines today & the result is all that you read now! I keep getting mails, comments from my friends and well-wishers encouraging me to keep posting my thoughts! I feel so  blessed to be appreciated by you all! Keep reading my blogs great souls! Will be back soon!

Stay positive always!!
- Suganthi Sankaran