Saturday, August 30, 2008

Book Review and an article...!

Well… while reading the book review of “When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough by Dr. Kevin Leman” I came across the below article regarding dealing with your child. Dear Mom’s and Dad’s out there…I think you will like this.

While sharing the article with you I also want to share that book review with you….hence see the book review below and the article following it..

This book enables you to accept your shortcomings and value your talents and gifts. It also explains why the lifestyle you developed as a child determines your degree of success or failure and how, regardless of the past, you can develop a healthy lifestyle today.

How you deal with your child’s hurts and failures has a great bearing on whether or not he will become a discouraged and defeated adult. Here’s how to go about it:
1. Listen – to what your child is saying, and more importantly, what he is feeling.
2. Respond to your child’s feelings. Let him know you’ve heard him and you understand why he feels the way he does.
3. Touch. Never be afraid to reach out and touch your child. Touching is an important way to communicate your love and care for him.
4. Always look for alternatives. Ask him if there is anything else he would like to do. If not, suggest a few things.
5. Give your child a choice. After examining all the alternatives, let him make the choice as to what he wants to do.
6. Never accept excuses. If you do that, you’re encouraging your child to keep the blame fixed on someone else.
7. See your child’s mistakes not as defeats or frustrations but as building blocks.
8. Encourage commitment. Don’t take your child’s problems upon your shoulders and solve them for him.
9. Be ready to evaluate the problem. Always be ready to give your support and encouragement.

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