Sunday, August 3, 2008

Positive Parenting...!

Being a Proud Mommy Blogger I wish to post this subject today – “Positive Parenting”
You can learn a lot about parenting with various books and with the advice by expert doctors. But positive parenting is only possible if we set our mind to do so. I think following are few tips which will keep our kids positive.
- Learn to laugh and smile at your kid. Never allow your stress boil over. Maintain a sense of humor.
- Hold Regular “Family Meetings”, children has to understand what is going on in the house and make them a part of big decisions.
- Start to teach your child about their limits. In general, overly pampered children will never grow out of them if you don’t teach them limits.
- Keep few positive affirmations and make your kids to repeat them. Tell them that they have all capabilities to achieve things they wish to. Help your kids adopt the thoughts that will help them in life. Just repeat them enough and after a while, they will start believing in them without much effort.
- Tell them stories which will induce positive thoughts in them. Make them to view their problems as challenge and teach them how to overcome them.
- Give your kids happy thoughts that can lead them to financial freedom, knowledge, friendship, strength, compassion and kindness. A happy, positive mindset will lead your kids to stay with acceptance, gratitude, health and love. Happiness is the ultimate state of bliss and happy thoughts are the way to get it.
- Avoid gossiping. If we talk about someone behind his or her back, we must always say something good. Never talk anybody’s negative qualities.
Kids are like angels…we have to keep them safe and secure…All parents want to give their kids all that they wish. Happy thoughts and a positive mindset are the tools to get them everything they want in life. We are responsible for their thoughts and action, then why not we keep them positive…! Happy parenting…!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Children have never been very good at listening to elders, but they have never failed to imitate them... said a famous writer whose name I forgot.

    It then boils down to how we role-model our life for them to learn from! We can either have a checklist of things to do with our children, or we can have a 'habit' that our children will see us display. That is everything about what we do or say or think; and everything that we think or do or say are perhaps one that can be shared with our sons and daughters just as a bed-time story, and that which we wont forbid them from doing or saying.

    That will then mean whether I am smoking and whether I would let my daughter smoke, or forbid her from that act... what TV channel would I be willing to watch which I will forbid her from watching, what websites will I be willing to surf which I will forbid her from surfing....

    ...the little things that first points at us to discipline...

    Parenting is an art and our children are the canvas on which the beauty of that art reflects. In management they say, 'attitude reflects leadership' referring to the attitude of the team being directly proportionate to the quality of leadership.

    Our children are a reflection of us. Our society is then a reflection of us. Our nation then becomes a refleciton of what we are.

    And the world...

    (I just woke up from a dream!)
