Friday, December 26, 2008

5 steps for active listening

Extracted from webpage.

Step 1 - When someone come to you as a friend to tell you about a problem they are going through or something important that happened you don't won't to let them down.....!!!so you have to be a good listener
Step2 - You have to let them be comfort in saying anything they wanna say if they don't wanna speak then it's up to also wanna keep the conversation private between you two except when he/she fells it's okay to tell others about it.
Step3 - If they began to tell there story don't interrupt them by stupid comments or asking questions out of the subject.if he/she is telling a good thing that happened to them feel free to give comments. Step4 - If it is a bad thing or a problem don't give comments just listen & let him/her feel that you are really concentrating with them instead of doing anything else
Step5 - Let him/her finish there talking then don't speak till they tell you that they are finished or ask you for your opinion.feel free to say your opinion after they finish even if it was contrary to what they say but put it in a good way

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