Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Art of Believing

Find this article on Belief I came across in some mail. Its very nice, read it and share it!

Some of the most practical success-building wisdom is found in that biblical quotation stating that faith can move mountains.Believe ,reallly believe you can move a mountain and you can. Not many people belive that they can move mountains. So as a result not many people do. On some occasion you have probably heard someone say something like,"it's nonsense to think u can make a mountain move bu just saying 'mountain , move away.' It's simply impossible.
People who think this way have belief confused with wishful thinking. And true enough ,you can't wish away a mountain. You can;t wish yourself into an executive suite. Nor can u wish yourself into a five bedroom,three bath house or the high income bracket.You can't wish yourself into a position of leadership.But you can move a mountain with belief. You can win success by believing you can succeed. There is nothing magical nor mystical about the power of belief. Belief works this way. Belief,the "the I am positive-i can " attitude generates the power,skill and energy needed to do.When you believe i can do it , the how to do it develops. Every day all over the nation young people start working in new jobs.Each of them "wishes" that someday he could enjoy the success that goes with reaching the top. But the majority of these young people simple don't have the belief that it takes to reach the top rungs. And they don't climb high,they do not discover the steps that lead to great heights.Their behavior remains that of the "average" person.
But a small number of these young people really believe that they will succeed.They approach their work with the "I'm going to the top" attitude.And with substantial belief they reach the top.Believing they will succeed and that it's not impossible -these Folks study and observer the behavior of senior executives,officers,members.They learn how successful people approach problems and make decisions.They observer the attitude of successful people.The how to do it always comes to the person who believes he can do it.
Here's an example to prove you that:-
Example Of Belief
Those who believe they can move mountains,do.Those who believe they can't cannon.Belief triggers the power to do.Believe really believe you can succeed and you will.
Over the years we have observed people who failed in business ventures and in various careers.We have hear a lot of reasons and excuse for failur.Something significant unfolds as conversations with faulures develop.In a casual soft of way,the failure drops a remark like"To tell the truth,I didn't think it would work" or " I had my misgivings before i even started out"or" Actually ,I wasn't Too surprised that it didn't work out.The "okay-i will give it a try but i dont think it will work " attitude produces failures.Always think win-win in every situation.

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