Friday, January 16, 2009

NIce article about productivity

This one is really a nice article, do go through this.
There are times when we feel disappointed with ourselves. Disappointed at not being able to give our best, disappointed with our habit of wasting time and disappointed with low levels of productivity from our end. This disappointment often leads to a negative mindset wherein we don't feel like doing anything despite knowing there's lots to do. As a result we tend to lose our motivation & excitement and feel overly lethargic.Here's a way which could help you get going despite your negative state of mind. The logic behind it is ignorance of persistent thoughts. Whenever you feel lost or low on motivation immediately take a piece of paper and do the following:

Write five tasks which would push you out of your comfort zone. Tasks which you know you are not really good at or may be tasks which you have been ignoring for long.
For the next 24 hours forget everything else and just focus on the sheet of paper.Make it a point to complete all those tasks within a day, irrespective of your other commitments.
Fold the paper and keep it with you. Forget everything else that's running on your mind and feel that the paper is your only source of strength and direction.

The most important thing is to control your mind. Any other thoughts apart from those related to your tasks should be flushed out (at least for the next 24 hours).

You would immediately feel a sense of excitement run through you. There would suddenly be a sense of direction in your mind. Most importantly, at the end of the tasks you would have achieved four objectives. One, completed tasks which you had been ignoring for long. Two, crossed your mental limitations (You would be doing stuff which you thought you weren't good at). Three, gained a new sense of self-confidence and momentum. Four, spent your past 24 hours in the best possible manner.

Keep doing this exercise whenever you feel low. Be it during office hours or 3 in the night. Once you are in a habit of following the exercise on a regular basis, your productivity levels would go high and most importantly there would hardly be a dull moment in your life.

Moreover, indirectly you would get to be aware of your strengths which you thought were never yours. The biggest obstacle when we want to do something different is our mind, which keeps telling us that we are not good at it. Another obstacle is the fear of public opinion. We are afraid of what others would think if we go about a task XYZ. During these 24 hour cycles, you would hardly get to think about your mind and public opinion. As a result there would be no external obstacles involved. Just you and your will power.

I personally find this method pretty refreshing and energizing. I'm not too sure if I've been able to put it in the right way but I hope the message has been conveyed with some clarity.

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