Cook's hookup
This is great when you’re just plain frazzled, exhausted and thinking fuzzy. It will hook up the vibrational energy in your body so it is running smoothly again and infuse you with a sense of calm and relaxation.
1) Sit with one ankle crossed over the other ankle.
2) Cross one wrist over your other wrist.
3) With your two arms crossed in front, turn your hands over so palms face each other. Clasp your hands together like you’re shaking your own hand.
4) Bend your elbows so that your clasped hands turn under and in, towards your body, like a pretzel. Rest clasped hands against your heart.
5) Simply breathe gently in and out for approximately 2 minutes.
6) Then place feet flat on floor and uncross arms. Place your hands together, with only fingertips touching opposite fingertips, thumbs pointing towards your heart, hands in a "steepled" position. Breathe gently for approximately 30 seconds, and release.
Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!