Friday, February 13, 2009

Few creative ways of thinking

Brainstorming: Pretty much everyone has heard of this creative thinking technique. Brainstorming works best with a fairly large group of people; larger the group, bigger the number of ideas thrown around. Be willing to entertain any idea, even the most absurd. Improvise on the seemingly impossible ideas to see if they can be turned into realistic solutions. Try and get everyone to think outside the box and you will be surprised at what comes out of it!
Playing detective: Asking questions like who, when, where, why, what and how can help you get a clear direction of what you need to do. Coming up with a new product or application could be simplified considerably if one follows this simple rule. Jot your response to each down, so you can draw inferences later. Following this pattern will help you narrow the focus of your creativity.
Dealing with your demons: A mental block, preconceived notions, narrow mindedness; the list of threats to creative thinking is never ending. Solving them, however, requires no more than a willingness to adapt. Let go of inhibitions; don't let 'reality' tie you down. Think freely; work with even near to impossible ideas. Once in the right frame of mind, you will be able to channel your thoughts whichever way you desire. "Boost Your Creativity: Exercises and Advice for Great Creative Thinking", by Robert Allen, available at suggests some interesting exercises to overcome your creative thinking challenges.

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