Friday, February 6, 2009

Learn New Things Every Day

I read this somewhere, wish to share with you all

The mental aspect of our energy will determine how effectively we can use the physical capacity of energy. A commitment to learning new things every day is one of the best ways to keep your mental energies sharp. Although there is inherent value in the added knowledge gained from learning, the activity of learning itself can be an excellent way to improve your mental energies.

If you don’t already read at least one non-fiction book a month, make that your goal. I personally read anywhere from 1-2 books a week, almost always non-fiction. Although fiction can be a great way to stimulate the imagination, there are many ways you can do that, but unfortunately the mental learning gained from non-fiction books doesn’t have as many alternatives.

Learning doesn’t even have to be directed towards a specific purpose. Even if you don’t have to learn anything new to maintain the point you are in your life right now, pick up something you find interesting and learn about it anyways. Many people never pick up another book after they leave high-school. Learning must be a lifelong habit, not just a chore to get a degree.

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