Saturday, April 25, 2009

6 Ways To Improve Behaviour And Give Your Child Self-Confidence

1. Show That You CareSay "I love you" and "You're important and special to me." Praise talents. Don't use sarcasm or kidding to point out weaknesses. Be positive and encouraging. Reward good behaviour and have FUN- these POSITIVE parenting strategies are the most effective in teaching children to be well behaved! Never ignore good behaviour as there is then no incentive for your child to repeat it.

2. A Hug A DayKids need to feel your affection through positive physical touch by hand holding, an arm around the shoulder or a simple hug.
3. Quality Time Is Quantity TimeCaring and being close is about making time so do more with your child. Spend more time doing things your child enjoys. Turn off the television.Do activities as a family.
4. Take Their PlacePut yourself in your child's place and ask: "Is what I've said or done building my child up or putting my child down?""Is what I've said or done really for my needs or the needs of my child?"
5. Go With Your Gut FeelingIf someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable, go with your gut feeling. Teach your children to trust their instincts too, by listening to them and respecting what they feel.6. Reward And Reward AgainEncourage good behaviour by rewarding it as soon as possible after it has occurred. Reward frequently and in small amounts. The most effective reward is your time and positive attention. Praise, smile and say why you are pleased. For very good behaviour use treats such as sweets and going to the park. To provide an incentive, a reward should be earned rather than just given.
The basic philosophy of these articles is that caring for children is one of the most responsible and difficult things you will ever do in your life - yet there is very little practical help and advice on how to do it. In a small way it is hoped that the articles can begin to fill a massive gap. The information and parenting tips have been developed from material produced by the KidsPeace Corporation,Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA. --- a web extract

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