Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some Quotes

Life holds a specific purpose for you..;and the most important thing you CAN DO this... Find it first.....!!! -Will Edwards.
In the middle of every difficulty lies Oppourtunity....-Albert Einstein.
Dare to be Remarkable.-Jane Gentry.
Every mistake you make, Every failure, Every disappointment,To keep going on this journey of life is Sometimes the hardest thing...But remember, Every great person, Who has beaten adversity, Whether from within or without themselves, Has fallen and stumbled a thousand times. But they pick themselves up, Dust themselves down And carry on......-Dylon Jacobs.
You have to believe in yourself,that's the secret. Even when I was in the Orphanage, when I was roaming the street, trying to find enough to eat,even then I thought of myself as the Greatest actor in the world.-Charlie Chaplin.

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