Saturday, April 18, 2009

What Is Motivation?

In essence, motivation is the internal impulse to take action. It is the feeling triggered within that compels you to do something. From brushing your teeth in the morning to following through on your lifelong goals and dreams, motivation is at the root of every action you take.Without motivation, the progress of the world would come to a grinding stop. Nothing could improve for every individual capable of working toward change would lack the motivation to move forward with their plans.On a more personal note, progress within your own life would be impossible without the motivation to do something about what you wanted. Your health, career, money, relationships...nothing would move forward without an internal drive.Why Master Motivation?However, you do make progress in these areas. You do take actions each day. The reason is motivation. But there's just one problem. The motivation that is making you take actions isn't being used to its potential. It's running on autopilot and therefore can't begin to offer the life-changing rewards and benefits locked within.By learning how to control your internal drive, you can launch every area of your life to levels never before imagined. When you know which steps to take - and which to avoid - you can literally tap into a power that compels you to do whatever it takes to create the life you've always wanted to live.All of this is possible by learning the secrets of motivation.
extracted from a web page

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