Sunday, May 10, 2009

Book Review

Thinking for a Change: 11 Ways Highly Successful People Approach Life and Work
by John C. Maxwell
Editorial Review
Now in paperback, New York Times bestselling author and expert on leadership John C. Maxwell explores the concept that success is really just a frame of mind. Good thinking. It's the one thing all successful people have in common. People who achieve their dreams understand the critical relationship between their level of thinking and their level of progress-and they know that when thinking is limited, so is potential. Now, John C. Maxwell explores this idea and identifies the specific skills people need to make their potential for success explode into results. From focused and creative thinking to thinking for the big picture or the bottom line, he provides examples of effective thinking for every situation. This book doesn't tell readers what to think, it tells them how to think. After all, success is as simple as changing your mind. - extract from Shelfari website

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