Friday, August 28, 2009

Positive thought from the epic Ramayan

In the Ramayana we read a beautiful advice from Ravana to Rama. The epic says that after a fierce battle Rama succeeded in shooting that arrow which will end Ravana’s life. The arrow hit its target and Ravana was about to die. Suddenly it dawned on Rama that the time had come when he had to return to Ayodhya. At Ayodhya, as a king, he had to run the administration. Now, the problem was, Rama knew that he had never run an administration. He also knew that Ravana was a veteran administrator. So Rama approached Ravana with a request to advise him briefly on how to run an administration.

Ravana advised cryptically ‘shuvasya shighram, ashuvasya kàlaharanam’. Ravana also pointed out that, as he himself had not followed this dictum, he was about to meet his tragic end. As an example Ravana described that the execution of one of his good thoughts, namely to construct a staircase linking the earth and the heaven, he had not even started, while, one of his bad thoughts, namely the abduction of Sita, he executed very fast. So what we learn from this story is that not only we should have positive thoughts, but also we should be up and doing in giving shape to those positive thoughts.
- a message came as a forward for a positive friend

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