Monday, October 12, 2009

Have a Positive Day!

Hope you all had a nice weekend...
Read this web extract... its worth reading....
Ways to Create the Good Feeling

•Reward yourself immediately after you’ve taken action.
- You want to give yourself something that will make you feel good, something that you normally wouldn’t do. Just make sure it doesn’t contradict the habit you’re trying to create. Don’t reward yourself by binging on fatty foods if your habit is to eat healthier foods obviously.

•Focus on the end result.
- Why do you want to create this habit in the first place? Think about the feelings you would get if your habit was already developed.

•Think about the consequences of NOT following through.
- Create and associate pain to not following through. Imagine where you’d be years down the road if you don’t create this habit.

•Imagine where you’d be 6 months, a year, 3 years from today if this habit is now a part of you.

•Think about what feelings you’re looking for and find other things you can do that give you the same feeling and combine them.
- For example, if the habit you’re trying to create is to workout everyday and the feeling you get is a feeling of power and confidence and you happen to have a particular song that when you listen to gives you that sensation, listen to it while you workout.

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