Sunday, October 4, 2009

Parents... check this out

I used to read some articles regarding parenting and being a proud mommy blogger I wish to share them with bloggers who visit my page. Here is one nice stuff I read sometime back in some webpage. Just putting some points down which I remember.
Its about positive parenting without yelling at your kids.
We all can have and enjoy peaceful parenting lives built around with caring relationships. We just need the tools and the will to use them. Children grow strong and healthy when nursed by the energy of love -- an energy too sensitive to co-exist with the harsh vibrations of anger. Fortunately, parents have so much love to give; when they stop yelling, that love pours out and fills the hearts of their kids.
Some benefits we get if we stop yelling are :-
Your home becomes a place of worship in a really stressful world.
Everyone will enjoy being there.
You increase your parenting power by strengthening your relationship
Your kids will enjoy more physical health, mental health and emotional health and have better social skills and academic performance.
You'll be teaching your children a communication style that can help them enjoy positive and loving relationships throughout their lives, especially with their own spouses and children.
You increase the likelihood of enjoying a warm, life-long relationship with your children and grandchildren
Its difficult but possible, we can stop yelling. It is crucial for peace in the home and parental peace of mind that parents stop raising their voices. You can help yourself succeed by using a reward or punishment system. This may seem a bit childish at first, but it works! Try this out.
So you are asking me whether I have mastered in it?
No, I am still practising... all the best to myself and to you all.

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