Friday, December 10, 2010


"Neither what you are - however great your virtues - nor the
social position you hold - however high it may be - will be able
to prevent your having opponents. In life, we always have to
fight, but there are two kinds of fighting: one where you do away
with your opponents and the other where you spare them. If you do
away with your opponents, you will have no more fighting, and
this will be catastrophic: you will no longer make progress! If
you spare them so you can fight them all your life, you will
continue to get stronger.
Just think how many people try to get rid of their enemies! And
what happens when they finally succeed? They don't feel any
happier; they have the feeling that something is missing, for
they needed their opponents to pit themselves against. So you
shouldn't do away with your opponents, but know how to go about
making yourself stronger, improving yourself - and improving
them, too, at the same time! But you will only succeed so long as
you see them as necessary agents for your evolution."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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