Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Live Positive Way - handling complaints

Complaining is a way of life for some people.  When this person also happens to be a close friend or family member, it can be frustrating and make us negative.  People who complain are generally people who have not developed a loving inner self nature and not compassionate with themselves.  Such people do that to gain attention from others and make themselves and surrounding people negative and unhappy.  To have a positive life we must know how to handle such people since there are a lot of annoying people who likes to complain about others for no reason. 

Why people complain?
They have a big ego and think they know it all.
They don't give importance or attention to the details others give.
They themselves imagine things which is not real most of the time and whine and complain.
They normally be judgemental.

How to deal with people who keeps complaining?
1. Give them a lot of empathy.  
2. Never let the person's complaints get into you. When you are sure you didn't do anything about what they say then its not your problem.
3. Don't react indifferent or sarcastic.  Do not add fuel to the discussion going on.
4. If they start an argument just give your ears to what all they say and stay calm and cool and keep your points softly in front of them.
5. Always remember that the one who is complaining has a problem and YOU are not the problem.
6. En-route them to On-line webpage for them to complain through out the day. 

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