Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Live Positive Way

A man died and saw God approaching with a suitcase. 
God said: “All right son, its time to go.”
The man responded: “Now? So soon? I had a lot of plans…”
“I'm sorry but its time to go.”
“What do you have in that suitcase?” the man asked.
God answered: “Your belongings.”
“My belongings? You mean my things, my clothes, my money?”
God answered: “Those things were not yours they belonged to the earth.”
“Is it my memories?”  the man asked.
God answered: “those never belonged to you they belonged to Time.”
“Is it my talents?”
God answered: “those were never yours they belonged to the circumstances.”
“Is it my friends and family?”
God answered: “I'm sorry they were never yours they belonged to the path.”
“Is it my wife and son?”
God answered: “They were never yours the belonged to your heart.”
“Is it my body?”
God answered: “that was never yours it belonged to the dust.”
“Is it my soul?”
God answered: “No that is mine.”
Full of fear, the man took the suitcase from god and opened it to find the suitcase was empty. 
With a tear rolling down his cheek the man said: “I never really had anything did I?!”
Life is just a moment. a moment that belongs to you. For this reason enjoy this time while you have it. You can’t take ANYTHING with you.

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