Friday, October 31, 2014

Live Positive Way

The Peacock and the Crow

A crow is drinking some water from a lake when a peacock shows up.

 "Everyone look at me!" says the peacock. "Look at my feathers! They are colorful and brilliant! I am so beautiful!"

 "Are you still admiring yourself?" asks the crow....

 "Of course, my friend. I have colorful feathers. Aren't they pretty?" asks the peacock.

 "Sure they are," answers the crow. "But why do you have to show off everyday? People are getting tired of you!"

 "People envy me!" says the peacock. "Look at you. You are so very, very black. You don't even have a bit of colors on your wings. You are ugly, too!"

 "You're right, peacock," says the cow. "But there is one thing an ugly black crow can do, but you can't."

 "And what is that?" asks the peacock.
"I can go up to the sky and talk to the stars. I can fly, peacock!"

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