Friday, March 4, 2016

Live Positive Way

Motivational Stories from Every Day

These are but a few motivational stories about people who have had to face difficulties in one form or the other, and turned it around through sheer perseverance and enthusiasm.

But if you come to think about it, even your milkman or the security guard in your office building might have an inspiring story to tell you out of their own lives.

I know a lady who is well into her seventies now. A housewife who had never worked before, she lost her husband at the age of 40 to illness and was left with a 10-year old son and huge medical bills.

She took on her husband’s job without thinking twice, applied herself to learning new skills and brought up her son single-handedly. She is still active today, leads the neighborhood book club and has signed up for a computer class to keep up with the changing times.
Isn't this we see in every third person we meet everyday. Learn to respect and appreciate as it does not take a penny ......

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