Friday, September 16, 2016

Live Positive Way

It’s always easy to tackle the people who criticize us on our face.  If we need we can give an explanation or just pass on a sweet smile and ignore them.  But the ones who talk about us in our absence are more dangerous.  They can modify the facts as per their wish and can bad-mouth us.  Even if we are super positive, still at times we may feel low if we come to know someone backbiting us.  But we cannot change them and we cannot do what they are doing to us.  Hence just keep cool and tell yourself “No one can stop the Sun from shining, it may hide under the clouds for a while but will shine bright once it’s out. I am like that Sun”.

We are not here to please everyone around us!  We are here to evolve ourselves! If someone not able to understand your good intentions and feel jealous of you it’s their problem, not yours.  It’s your choice to stay happy and enjoy life. Just keep doing it and ignore those who are always there to hamper your happiness.  At the end whoever stay happy and wish happiness for everyone can only achieve in life.  The ones backbiting others can never have peace nor happiness since their heart is filled with grief and greed.  We can only feel pity for them.  Wish they too understand and enjoy life as we do!

Hey you, once again step out and keep your good work going…..!
Stay Positive & Stay Strong……!!

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