Friday, December 2, 2016

Live Positive Way

While browsing Facebook today I came across some astrological prediction of the Sani/Saturn transit which is going to happen next year. That post took my mind intensely few years back. That was the time when I quit my profession completely to take care of my daughter and was going through some challenges in life.  Few relatives and some friends used to say it's all because of my Yezhu-arai Nattan Sani (The 7 1/2 years of Saturn transit) by which I was facing those difficult times.  It was like to some extent that if I start discussing about any issues my loved ones say "aiyo, don't talk much...its 7 1/2 Sani, talk less, it be good for you".  I am not a keen follower of astrology and also I was not able to accept what they said since 'Life' is always a roller-coaster.  Yes! there were many difficulties past few years and even if I thing vaguely its because of Sani peyarchi, I can't deny that all those problems had some better solution always.

Being an optimist I can bounce back but the difficulties were so different that I was able to sense even my own ones becoming indifferent and just changing so selfish.  I did loose one of my brother like friend who used to be my biggest moral support.  I was continuously shifting places due to various reasons.  But, I am always blessed with many well wishers, good friends who were not my kin still mine supporting me in many ways to cope up with those situations.

Now almost at the end of this 7 1/2 years phase I am staying happy with inner peace.  When I look back and remember those tough times I really understand now that I have learned to stay more serene, learned what to say and what not to say, have learned to be more assertive, realised who all are truly there for me, who are all fake & how to handle them and how I have to stay away from negativities.

Well, if I think about it from Shani Dev's point of view, then I am bound to give him all credits since he has in a way created a complete data-chart for me to understand people who are genuinely mine and positive and who I can take along with me in this life's long drive!

Its not necessary to get panic and afraid about anything in life since its always a learning experience in various situations and it makes us a better person at the end.

Let's appreciate, rejoice & enjoy life...wishing each one of you a splendid times ahead!

Stay happy.... Stay positive!

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