Thursday, August 24, 2017

Live Positive Way

"There are millions of individuals whom we come across in life, but, we admire only a very few".

I used to be an ardent follower of cricket--thanks to match-fixing episodes--I lost all the interest and hopes in cricket. Then came Dhoni into picture, even then, I don't remember watching many matches under his captaincy, except for the India Vs Srilanka World Cup 2011 finals. While watching that match after many years, felt an immense pleasure of watching an extra ordinary cricket. Thanks to Dhoni for instilling interest back in me. From the moment he won the much deserved "World Cup", I started seeing him as a player who can save the country's pride. 

To me, except Sachin Tendulkar none other cricketer was famous in Tamilnadu for a long long time. With CSK 20/20 matches I could sense that my Tamilnadu folks started admiring Dhoni so much and even call him "Thalaiva", which we use only for our "Rajnikanth". That much was his popularity​. If someone should become so close to people than of course something special must be with him. I was just wondering what it could be? The question in my mind was well answered by the movie 'M.S. Dhoni'. Not all movies are meant for commercial success alone, some touches our heart. One such film is 'M.S. Dhoni' and I can't resist myself from seeing it again and again. 

My presumption is that a film on any popular personality can't be purely on fictitious characters and events, some amount of authenticity must be there to portray the life and growth of that Individual. In 'M.S. Dhoni' (movie), his attitude and his approach to life are very lucidly picturised by the director. So after watching the movie I felt that he is a guy who is very simple, crystal clear, and assertive in taking right decisions at the right time. For somebody else, if placed in similar scenario, it will not be easy to take such tough decisions during tough times. On the whole, he always played only for his country and never for his individual record. He paved way for his juniors at the right time, unlike many of his seniors in the field of cricket. He always seem to be contented with what he has. We, having come from a middle class family are able to relate to few of his life incidences. One such scene with which I relate well is the way he boards the train to come back to his hometown throwing away his TC job. One fine morning, in a similar fashion I left my job that I did in a central government institution in Delhi and boarded the train to Chennai with no clue about what's going to happen tomorrow. When I saw the scene in the movie for the first time, I was awestruck. He is just like us, like a friend, a brother or a person-next-door.

I shared my thoughts some time back in my facebook page, which read as "Generally people who live & help others or serve the country never earn much fame or name compared to those who are selfish & calculative. The so called 'God of Cricket' fans may not accept my opinion, but, every time I watch M.S.Dhoni film I feel that the title suits Dhoni more...." I really mean it. 

Dhoni is... and will be... my favourite Batsman/Captain forever! 

Feeling good sharing this thought with you all and I am sure you will like this post.

A post dedicated to all Dhoni fans!!

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