Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Live Positive Way

"Sometimes, you need to figure out a thing for yourself...".... Just read some where and that too the time I was in deep thoughts.... Sometimes it's really important to understand oneself. It's always happy, fun and active life I enjoy. It's an attitude I cultivated for myself after getting tired of so many disappointments.

Hope depending on gadgets are so easy than humans, only possible shortcomings is, it goes off.... still we can replace it. But getting attached to a person so deeply, there starts all stress in life.  If that person too is concerned about you then everything be fine but what if not...? Irrespective of any relationship, either life-partners, siblings, friends, etc.. if there is no mutual respect, attraction or attachment, I swear that's time to rethink. 

I was brought up by my grandparents and unlike newer generation, I have been given an upbringing where relationships is valued more than anything else in life. May be I have gone into this concept so deeper to accept this fast paced lifestyle where people are so concerned only about material accomplishments. They have less time to appreciate others, to understand people who are considering them their own. 

Often times, I feel, I get connected with people so easily (an advantage of being an extrovert), some become very close to my heart, i will try to be with them and help them. But never realise taking someone closer to our heart doesn't mean they too take us that way. People mind set is so different and difficult at times to understand. Many times we get hurt and disappointed by the people we love the most and it's too difficult to cope up with such disappointments. 

Nevertheless, life must go on. It's better to have no expectations from anyone. Recently I learned from my own experiences that assuming things and expecting something are the two greatest obstacles which can ruin our both emotional and physical status. It's okay if someone is not considering us important and it doesn't mean we must stop thinking good for them. If someone is not able to realise that true affection is the rarest of the rare case in this world, we can only pity on them.

Only with some people we get a feel that they are going to be with for us  for the eternity. We can feel that kind of a comfort only with them. We will never get a chance to regret even for a moment in their company. This reminds the words of Dr. Brain Weiss, "To see and appreciate the soul of others with whom you are in a relationship is a higher state of awareness. To see only their outer characteristics provides a limited and incomplete perspective. Their current personality, just like their current physical body, is a temporary manifestation. They have had many bodies and many personalities but only one enduring soul, only one continuous spiritual essence. See this essence and you will see the real person".

Often we may feel why we haven't been appreciated by the ones whom we think are close to us. It may be because they don't possess that connect with us. In such circumstances, I come back to check other social networks and feel delighted to see so many people appreciating others around for their work. May be we forget to see good things near us and avoid the close ones. Perceptions of people can't hide the real potential of Individuals.

Let's forget about appreciations, still keep giving the best to others. Let's get disregarded, still keep them close in our hearts. Let's get blocked, still flow with full of love for them. Let's get ignored, but never feel low and give just love, because at last "Only Love Is Real".

- Suganthi Sankaran

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