Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Live Positive Way - 5 Transformative Steps for a Positive Life

Live Positive Way - 5 Transformative Steps for a Positive Life

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I posted my last blog, and I wanted to share some important updates with you all. Though I've always strived to maintain a positive outlook, I found myself going through some changes in life that kept me away from blogging. But now, I'm back. Feeling better than ever. Here are the five key changes I made to my routines that helped me turn things around:

Broke-free from Tea Addiction
Tea has always been my "comforting drink", especially during my hectic workdays. However, I began to notice that my dependency on tea was affecting my health badly. Determined to break free from it and to remind myself that there is no addiction in life that we cannot overcome, I abruptly stopped drinking tea one fine morning and explored other healthier alternatives, like taking milk or just plain water whenever I felt the urge to drink something. The transition was challenging, though, but the rewards are worth the try. My energy levels stabilized, morning sickness disappeared, which I used to have due to the acidic tea doses, I slept better, and I felt more in control of my health.

Prioritizing 'People Who Need Me'
In the rush of daily life, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters—our relationships. I realized that I was often too busy to be fully present for the people who I loved, rather than those who really needed me and gave me an important position in their lives. Instead of wondering why people I liked more do not care much about me, I started shifting my focus to those who needed me and gave me value in their lives. Simple actions like having regular chats with them, spending quality time with friends, or simply lending a listening ear to someone in need have made a significant difference to my life. Prioritizing these connections has strengthened my bonds and enriched my life in more ways than I imagined.
Revamping My Daily Routine
Our 'life routines' shape our day-to-day experiences, and sometimes a little shake-up can do wonders. I decided to revamp my daily routine by incorporating activities that align with my passions and goals. This included my days with meditation, light exercise, and daily exploration of a new place on the internet, which set a positive tone for the day. I also made time for reading and pursuing hobbies that I loved. This change in my routine not only boosted my productivity but also made my days more fulfilling and less monotonous. It's amazing how small adjustments can lead to a significant improvement in the overall well-being of our life.
Adopting new habits
Habits define us, and adopting positive ones can lead to profound changes. For example, I started practising gratitude prayer daily, adding a few more religious prayers of my choice, which has also helped me maintain a positive outlook. Though I always keep journaling and reflecting on my thoughts, I have started doing it regularly, and this has been incredibly therapeutic. These new habits have had a profound impact on my mental and physical health, making me feel more balanced and centered.
Embracing Something New Every Day
Life can become monotonous if we don't challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zones. I committed myself to trying something new each day, no matter how small it is. Be it, cooking a new recipe, exploring a different route for my walk, or learning a few words in a new language, these small adventures have kept my life exciting and my mind engaged. Embracing the 'new and unfamiliar' has reignited my curiosity and zest for life, making each day 'a little more' special.
By implementing these changes, I’ve found greater peace, joy, and fulfillment. I can't keep such beneficial changes to myself, so I encourage you all to try implementing some of these strategies. They've truly helped me, and I believe they can help you too. Let’s keep sharing our journeys and continue to live in a positive way.
Stay positive,
Suganthi Sankaran
For more inspiration and updates, feel free to check out my blogs at https://livepositiveway.blogspot.com

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