Friday, August 8, 2008

Let’s do that noblest thing!

I feel that the eye donation is the noblest of all causes. Just imagine how difficult it would be without eye sight. I feel by the way of donating my eyes, I can still be alive even after my death. This world is God's marvelous creation and we and by the way of donating eyes we can enlight two peoples life and give opportunity to view this world. Let the eye donation be our family tradition.

Some facts about eye donation I would like to share with you which I extracted from some other web page:-

More than 90% of the corneal transplantation is carried out successfully in restoring vision to people with corneal blindness. Including infants born with cloudy cornea, corneal transplantation can make a big difference to the rest of their lives. Your beloved ones thus live and light up the lives of others even after death. The cornea is the clear, transparent dome in front of the "black portion" of the eye. It is also the main focusing surface, which converges light rays as they enter the eye to focus on the retina. It is thus the most important part of the optical apparatus of the Eye. Loss of transparency directly results in loss of vision. A Corneal transplant is an operation that replaces the opaque cornea with a clear cornea obtained from a human donor. Everyone must be aware that the donation from living persons is not accepted.

Any good-minded human being from the age of z year can be a donor without any maximum limit for donating the eye. All one needs to do is bequeath his or her eyes by taking a simple pledge to donate the eye after death. While taking a pledge during ones lifetime itself is a noble deed, it requires the support of the relatives or friends to carry out the wishes of eye donation of the deceased. They need to call up the Eye Bank immediately as the eye needs to be removed within a maximum of six hours of death. People using spectacles, diabetes and hypertensive can make eye donation. Death due to unknown causes, death due to infections caused viz. rabies, syphilis, infectious hepatitis, septicemia, and AIDS, cannot be a donor.

The following to be taken care while donation
- Keep both eyes of the beloved deceased closed and cover with moist cotton.
- Switch off the ceiling fan, if any, directly over the deceased person
- If possible, apply antibiotic eye drops periodically in the deceased’s eyes to reduce the chance of any infection.
- Raise the head of the deceased by about six inches, if possible, to reduce the chances of bleeding at the time of removal of the eyes

Kindly pass on these valuable information to your friends and relatives......for further information click on the eye image under side title "Donate Life by Donating the Eyes!" in this blog page. Let's make a difference.... Cheers....!

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